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Trump is MIA in office

Consistently failing in his role as head of state — whether it’s ignoring victims of natural disasters and domestic terrorism, leaving key federal positions vacant, or disregarding national security threats — Donald Trump is an absent president, exposing us to danger.

Donald Trump is a racist

Trump has called immigrants “animals” and from “shithole countries” and said some white supremacists are “very fine people.” There is no argument anymore. The President is racist.

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Vacancies leave Justice’s bench shallow, and Mueller’s investigation vulnerable

With Trump’s latest tweets, Rod Rosenstein’s job once again appears to be in jeopardy. The Justice Department, dangerously understaffed, does not have a deep bench behind him to oversee Mueller’s investigation.

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Donald Trump is incapable of making a deal

Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran deal, vowing to craft a better deal. But we’ve seen this before with healthcare, NAFTA, and the Paris climate accord. Where are all these new, better deals Trump has promised?

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Trump is doing lasting damage to the US

In more ways than one, Donald Trump is hurting Americans with his policies and politics. He cannot be allowed to continue.

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Pompeo’s North Korea trip was a mistake

CIA Director Mike Pompeo straddled legality by acting as a diplomat before his Senate confirmation as Secretary of State.

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Trump is absent on the world stage

While Trump shuns participation in global affairs, the U.S. is being left behind by the rest of the world.

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Trump’s inaction on Russian election interference

Trump has failed to lead an effort among the State Department and intelligence community to take action against Russian interference.

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How will Trump negotiate with North Korea without a secretary of state?

Trump is set to meet with Kim Jong-un, but he fired his secretary of state. How soon until Mike Pompeo is confirmed? And who is handling negotiations in the meantime?

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When disaster strikes, Trump goes golfing

Trump frequently spends his weekends golfing, even when there is something deserving of his attention as president.

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