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Tell your representatives to vote to release Trump’s tax returns

President Trump must be hiding something in his tax returns. They could reveal compromising information Russia has on Trump, or explain why he acts servile toward Vladimir Putin. Call your members of Congress and ask them to support the Presidential Tax Transparency Act to make Trump’s tax returns public so we can find out for real.


Phone Script

Hi, I’m calling [member of Congress] to ask if they are supporting the Presidential Tax Transparency Act to release Donald Trump’s tax returns?

Trump is the first president in over 40 years to not disclose his tax returns. His tax returns could tell us if he owes money and to whom, if he’s committed campaign finance violations, or if he even pays taxes.

We know Trump has lied repeatedly about his taxes, and has committed fraud and tax evasion.

I’m counting on [member of Congress] to make President Trump’s tax returns available so the American people can see what he is hiding.