No One is Prepared for the North Korea Summit

Trump’s summit with Kim Jong Un is already a mess, from expensive lodgings to unpaid bills to Soviet-era jets — not to mention the fact that Trump said he believed he didn't have to prepare because it was "all about attitude." We are using “Little Rocket Man” diplomacy with nuclear weapons on the line. We need to impeach Donald Trump.

Posted by Need To Impeach on Monday, June 11, 2018

Read more: Trump wants a condo in North Korea with nuclear views

Leading into the North Korea summit, Donald Trump said things were going well in terms of planning. But the President didn’t seem to do any planning at all.

“I don’t think I have to prepare very much,” Trump said ahead of the summit. “It’s all about attitude.”

Read more: How could Trump possibly think Kim Jong-un “loves his people”?

Days before the summit, nobody knew who was paying for the North Korean delegation’s hotel bill. The U.S. was not open to paying for it and asked other countries not to cover it.

Additionally, there were questions about whether Kim Jong-un’s fleet of aging Soviet-era jets could fly all the way to Singapore if he would need to stop in another country to refuel or borrow a plane.

Is this how you build lasting peace?

Watch: Trump’s foreign policy doctrine