Donald Trump said that he would hire the “best people,” who are “truly capable,” with strong track records. Here are a few nominees he thought were “the best”:

Trump’s nominee for head of the Council on Environmental Quality, Kathleen Hartnett White, withdrew after she plagiarized her answers to the Senate and admitted she did “not have any kind of expertise or even much layman study of the ocean dynamics and the climate change issue.”

Matthew Petersen was nominated to be a district court judge, and withdrew his nomination shortly after Senator Kennedy (R-LA) asked him if he had any courtroom experience. He didn’t.

Andrew Puzder, a fast food executive nominated to Labor Secretary, withdrew his nomination in February 2017 after allegations of wage theft and domestic abuse surfaced.

Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson has been accused by whistleblowers that worked under him for a hostile work environment, overprescription of medication, and drinking on the job. Why didn’t you vet the man you nominated to take care of our veterans, Mr. President?

Watch: The swamp is getting deeper