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Call your representative:
Demand they support impeaching Trump

Donald Trump has committed at least 10 impeachable offenses and been implicated in multiple felony crimes. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report provides damning evidence that Trump obstructed justice and tried to influence trials. Trump has failed in his duty as Commander in Chief to defend our democracy, and thinks he is above the law.

We can demand that Congress impeach this president. Call your representative now and urge them to take action by supporting an impeachment inquiry.


Phone Script

Hi, my name is ____. I live in ____, and I’m a constituent of Rep. [Representative’s name]’s. I’m calling to demand Representative [Representative’s name] act on impeaching Donald Trump.

The Mueller report provides damning evidence that Trump obstructed justice and tried to influence trials.

Even before the report, though, Trump had committed 10 impeachable offenses, was implicated in multiple felonies, broke the law every time he accepted money from foreign governments, and cruelly and unconstitutionally imprisoned immigrant children and their families.

We cannot afford to normalize Trump’s lawless behavior in office. He is compromised and has failed in his duty as Commander in Chief to protect our country.

It’s time to listen to the American people and defend our democracy. Will Representative [Representative’s name] support an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump?